Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2011: Haraya on the Horizon

Welcome back everyone from what I hope was a prosperous break. As everyone attempts to stay true to New Year resolutions, I pray that our Haraya community has returned with one common goal in mind: continuing our path towards becoming an even stronger and united community within the University community. The Spring semester at a glance is very promising for our organization; the upcoming programs will undoubtedly attract new dedicated members while increasing revenue to enable future endeavors.

To address the past Fall semester, I would like to applaud the membership for attending meetings regularly and surpassing all other school organizations' community service hours. Under the direction of Gamal Ahmed and our hardworking e-board Haraya has proved to be a growing force within and beyond the gates of St. John's.

Let us continue to strive for excellence and respect as we dive into the Spring 2011 semester.

Events to look forward to:

Jumpoff 2011
"A Month Without a N****" 
Fences play
Black & White Ball
Mr. & Mrs. Haraya Pageant
Black Music Fest

*The events listed are just semester highlights. Look forward to many more programs being held by our commitees.

Again, welcome back to school! May we all have a productive semester. Be blessed.

Next General Body Meeting: January 27th, 2011 
4:30pm in the UC Lounge

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