Sunday, December 15, 2013

Beyonce "Surprises" Us With a Visual Album

All this time, we were fooled by one of the greatest. But then again, that’s what makes her so great, right? Friday morning, at midnight, Beyoncé dropped a surprise album on ITunes and shocked the world. There was no warning, no hint and nothing that would’ve had us guessing that Queen B was even in the studio preparing to release anything.
A few months before, while on tour, Colombia Records went on record saying that Beyoncé had started recording an album but decided to scratch everything she had worked on and start fresh. The major label expressed its concern of her lack of material, but I’m starting to think that this was part of the entire marketing scheme. Since the album’s release, it seems to have been promoting itself. This is Beyoncé’s first time really digging deep into the artistic side of her music. Every song has a corresponding video to go along with it. But one has to wonder, how in the world did she have time for all this production and studio time. Beyoncé has been on tour, since God knows when, while having no new songs to perform, with the exceptions of “Grown Woman” and critically acclaimed “Bow Down”. 
All the work going into the new album seems to have slipped right under our noses. Her sound is definitely very different than what we are used to this time around. Bey is experimenting and quite frankly, we like it. Of course, no Beyoncé album is right if you don’t have her typical sassy, upbeat songs like “Blow”. But in collaboration with artists like Frank Ocean, Pharrell and Drake, the songs, lyrics, melodies and concepts on this album are very new for the Bey we know.

The self-titled album premiered as number (not surprising), and has been since the drop. Now, all that is next to do is to guess how Mrs. Carter will portray these stories on stage. There’s no doubt that she, yet again, won’t cease to surprise us. - Ashley Germain

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Good Luck On Your Finals!

Late nights, tons of homework, and endless studying will be the lifestyle of a typical St.John’s student this week and the next. The semester is coming is to an end and the workload is escalating. Finals are here and the stress has arrived upon many of us.  Although most of us are planning trips to go home and cannot wait to be with our families; we have to push that aside and focus on ending the year right.  
As excited as one month off from school may sound, we also have to think about our final grades. Some of us have been doing well all throughout the semester so ending will be a breeze. Others will have to put forth a little more effort. But after all this hard work we will be able to sit back and relax with the people we enjoy and love. Whether you’re going 10 miles or 2000 miles away it is great to take a break from being a busy college student and take pleasure in the holidays. 
For many students especially freshman, going home for the holidays is very exciting because this will be the first time students will go home since being in college. With all the activities St.John’s has put together from the carolers to ice skating in Bryant Park there is no way to forget about all this is to come during this season. 
To everyone reading this, have fun and be safe this holiday season.
- Philtrina Farquharson

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